They say most of the sun damage to your skin happens during your teen years. For this, I was always very careful. Lots of sunscreen, minimal exposure, hats, long sleeves. But for what? For in a single hour I have absorbed 10 years worth of ultra violet sun rays.
It looks as though I have taken slabs of raw salmon and plastered them across my mid-section. But this time, its not raw salmon, ITS MY SKIN. Yes, my skin.
I will say this. Luckily, I only exposed my stomach to the sun because it was in the most need, so the rest of me is okay. Truly, if I laid on the sand, it disappeared completely, causing various passers-by to faint from the shock of seeing a disconnected chest and hips reclining on the beach. So it really was in the best interest of all to achieve some level of tan.
Hopefully, eventually it will turn into a tan. But for now, I carefully limp to bed and apply generous amounts of aloe.