Today we bravely ventured out of our hotel – on the recommendation of our hotel owner we did not take the Chicken Bus to Antigua. I think we may have missed out on an adventure there, but it was too late in the day and we didn’t have time. Luckily we did get to spend some time on the bus. On our way across town we caught our first Guatemalan bus, but missed our stop because we hadn’t realized that as the bus nears your stop you should wait for the driver to slow enough to change gears and then you jump off. We figured it out soon enough, and on the way home we crossed two lanes of traffic to jump onto a moving bus. The driver then proceeded to tell us that the bus didn’t go to where we were headed, but as we stood there looking confused he decided to drive us to our doorstep. I think maybe he didn’t know how else to get us off his bus. It was a good day.
Also, I got bit by a mosquito – think I might have malaria. Does anyone know if the symptoms include paranoia? Gabby just brushed her teeth with tap water – I think she might have a water borne illness.
Humor does translate – we got our first joke in Spanish today – well, it was more of a play on words and wasn’t so much funny as clever, but in a desperate attempt to not BE the joke for a minute today we laughed. Gracias Tacontento, Gracias.
Tomorrow we are on a bus to Xela for our first night at the school...buenos noches.
(above) Gabby and Andrea at Museo National de Arqueologia y Etnologia
Sounds like you are already racking up adventures!
Gabby - are you ever going to take Kation's sweater off?
Andrea and Sarah - I love your travel monologues. Thank you.
Sarah - There is a cure for Malaria - gabby has it in her suitase in an envelope marked malaria!
great photo, sarah! can't wait to see more.
go, queso, go!!!
sarah-living the good life already i see dont do anything i wouldnt do pretty much leaves you wide open
Dr. Dre, that's a hot shirt.
Where are u guys? Your audience misses u.
How are the waves ? 8 foot swell here today, cowabunga.
OK, now I'm starting to worry.
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