Wednesday, September 10, 2008

La comida

Every day each of us eats three meals with a family in one of the nearby communities, Fatima or Nuevo San Jose. And by eating with, I mean I sit at the table and eat, while one family member is obligated to sit and talk to me. Mine is a 14-year-old girl named Lucrecia. She never eats, just watches me. This is 20% awesome and 80% awkward silence. Once we get past the obvious small talk--where are you from? what´s your favorite fruit? how many friends do you have? (Lucrecia has 14)--I usually just say any random spanish phrase that comes to mind (Maria es en la cocina style), or tell her how bueno the food is for the 50th time.

Everything comes with corn tortillas. Today for breakfast I had spaghetti with corn tortillas. For lunch, mashed potatoes with corn tortillas. Um, yes, operation gordas gringas is in full effect. Miss you all and photos soon. Amor.


Jeff said...

Surely your mealtime warden would enjoy perusing the Point It book while you eat your corn tortillas. The only downside is that the next time, Lucrecia's 14 friends might be perched along side her asking you which things you tengo.

the dad said...

I would love to ride on a chicken bus. You guys don't know how lucky you are. Why don't you talk about the upcoming presidential election during dinner.

CourtB said...

wow, Lucrecia has a lot of friends. I wonder if they are "bff"s or just "f"s?

Someone's engaging techniques must really be coming into play right about now!

uncle jeff said...

Ah, mi Gorda. I remember that phrase.
got me in trouble when I called tracy that.

uncle jeff said...

To the dad,
we already know McCain is going to
win, who wouldn't vote for a vice president who can field dress a
moose ?

J said...

keep it up andrea - i like your stories (and gabby's and sarah's)

Instructor: Erin Gleeson said...

i can't wait to tell meagan you've coined a new phrase, Operation Gordas Gringas....amazing!

I hope you learn how to make corn tortillas!