as evidenced by billboards, graffiti, store names, bumper stickers, bus decor, and general musings to this effect.
El es el camino
El es mi rey
El es mi mejor amigo
Solo él puede cambiar tu vida
El es el pan de vida
El es la vida
El vive
El viene
El es dios
El es amor
El te ama
El es el señor
El es el señor de ______ (muchos buses, tiendas, pueblos, y ciudades)
El es verbo, no sustantivo
El es la única esperanza para ti
Just a note: I don't think the Guatemaltecos like it when you joke about Jesucristo because one of our tour guides announced that "El Bus Viene" (the bus is coming) and before I could stop myself I said "Como Jesucristo" (like jesus). He did not laugh and we had an awkward moment staring at each other. I don't know if he was wondering if I used the wrong words in Spanish again, or if this was a joke or why the Americans were so obnoxious. After that I was a little worried, but he didn't leave me behind on the tour.
Well Sarah, at least now you know. I imagine the uncertainty must have been nerve wracking. Once at dinner with a religious crew, when a glass was being reused, I made a joke about turning wine into water which I of course thought was hysterical. It went over pretty poorly (pourly?). I should have known then to stick to jokes about suitcases packed with coke.
Note: the code I have to type in to publish this post is "agnes." Kisses for you Andrea!
I want to encourage you to keep us laughing please.
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