The traditional meal for El Dia de los Muertos (November 1) here in Guatemala is called fiambre. As it has been described to me it is a mix of pretty much every vegetable known to man thrown together and cooked, similar to stir fry. (The vegetarians have been looking forward to trying this for like a month.) They also include pretty much every different kind of meat you can think of, ground beef, sausages, lunch meat strips (I think I even found a piece of a hot dog in mine). Then they throw in some eggs and cheese for kicks. Everything turns bright pink because there are beets involved. One thing they failed to mention was that most of the vegetables are not fresh but pickled, and I suspect there are leftovers thrown in there, because hey, who will know the difference?
I thought I had escaped having to eat this on November 1st because I didn´t eat meals with my family that day, however, they were kind enough to save me some leftovers and serve it to me cold the next day for breakfast. Now, I have eaten some very questionable things here in Guatemala for the sake of not offending my family, but this was too much. It was the only thing so far that has required me to be totally honest with my family because the idea of eating an entire plateful was more than I could handle.
It has basically driven us to leave the country. We are on our way to Guatemala City today and tomorrow we are flying to Argentina.
-Love and Besos
You're too picky, you would think you could find something in there you liked to eat.
Way too faky picky!!!
It's fine to be picky the day before you leave :)
But...In case you find a need to be picky, keep your health and not offend someone when you aren't leaving the next day... Try a plastic bag in your pocket. I hid many a cold left-over and other unrecognizable things from my plate in one (as soon as the kind host wasn't looking of course) with a small and a gracias... during my time in Venezuela.
Can't wait to hear about Argentina
I really want to know what "faky picky" is.
Thank you for putting my butt on the internet for the world to see. Actually I love that photo.
What I have always done in Latin America to not eat certain food items is to sneak them under the table and the dogs eat it. This is a little known fact about your aunt. Do you want to know another secret? I think I will save it for another time.
Besos Besos Besos
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