we are finally out of the hostel. we found a sweet place, 3 bedrooms, wifi, great neighborhood (palermo viejo), complete with a new gay landlord and a beautiful outdoor roof patio! and sarah's already guilted him into buying us some new wine glasses, so we're happy. but it's occupied until december 16, so we had to move into another apartment in the meantime, which is not our favorite, but we're so pleased to be able to cook, and we've found hours of entertainment watching the security camera view of the front door (always live on channel cinco) and playing with the bidet. (in case you want to learn more on the subject, we found this very informative: http://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Bidet ) anyhow, we can now receive mail! i know you've all been waiting patiently for this moment. make it count.
Scalabrini Ortiz 1136
2do "D"
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
love you
I am commenting just because you have no comments. Love food photos - Is that your famous pasta dish Sarah? Wish I was there.
I am glad to know that you are not homeless.
It is my famous pasta - Greek Spaghetti! Although, I have to give credit to my fantastic friend Cara (because she reads this blog too). It is actually her famous pasta that she taught me how to make in college and I have pretty much lived on it ever since. Huge thanks to Cara! :)
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